SAP Solution Manager Document Management — business processes well documented | All for One Poland

SAP Solution Manager Document Management — business processes well documented


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As part of the BCC DemoRoom, we invite you to the webinar entitled "SAP Solution Manager Document Management — documentation management in SAP Solution Manager 7.2".

The process of documenting in detail the business processes carried out in the systems for managing and maintaining current documentation is an important issue in the organizations that use IT solutions in their business operations. SAP Solution Manager provides the Solution Documentation (SolDoc), a tool for storing documentation on both SAP and non-SAP solutions. In addition to acting as a standard file server, the solution also enables documenting the most important information about the changes made.

The Solution Documentation can store information about systems, servers, databases, installed components and roles of a given system in the environment. The information transfer to the tool is enabled by the integration of the Solution Documentation with other modules of SAP Solution Manager. The work with the documentation is facilitated by the division of roles based on the types of projects in the Solution Manager, entitling the selected users to safely use the documentation.

During the webinar we will discuss:

  • presentation of the tool
  • project structure management
  • business processes, business steps, configurations, a transaction library
  • the use of BPMN, among other topics.

The webinar will begin on November 16, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. You are most welcome to participate!


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