Adapt your SAP system to the requirements of the Waste Act
All for One BDO (BDO – Baza Danych Odpadowych in Polish) is an SAP system add-on that enables the waste management information to be managed in the SAP system (SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA) in accordance with the amendment to the Polish Waste Act of July 2019 and in integration with the BDO system.
The basic scope of All for One BDO for SAP functionality:
- waste recording and reporting integrated with SAP
- generating reports on waste put on the market together with the achieved collection, recovery and recycling levels
- exchanging XML files with BDO institutions – integration of the SAP system with BDO institution systems
All for One BDO – details
All for One BDO contains an extensive system of managing master data on packaging norms and waste, registered in the company’s SAP system. This includes building complex norms and their classification according to the guidelines imposed by the Act, using SAP data (e.g. material weights, bills of material).
This enables data administrators to continuously monitor the correctness of recorded data. The flexible structure of the application allows for the generation of notifications for the administrator about new products that can subject to recording and have to be classified in the system.
The key report provided to the users by All for One BDO is a report on the quantity and type of packaging and waste produced or put on the market. This report is prepared on the basis of goods movements in the SAP system and created norms. All for One BDO also enables reporting and analyzing the method of calculating a specific norm for purposes of an inspection by authorized services or an audit.
The key component of All for One BDO is the integration with the BDO system using XML files, developed on the basis of further information from the Ministry of the Environment, specifying the requirements as to the content and structure of messages.