All for One ZSMOPL | All for One Poland

All for One ZSMOPL

SAP Integration with ZSMOPL


All for One Poland offers a ready-made application that allows you to send messages to the Integrated System for the Monitoring of Trade in Medicinal Products (ZSMOPL) from the SAP system (ERP, S/4HANA). Thanks to our solution, you can ensure compliance with the pharmaceutical law in Poland.

Pursuant to provisions of the pharmaceutical law, the companies trading in medicinal products, foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses and medical devices are obliged to submit to ZSMOPL, on a daily basis, the data on stock transfers and levels, planned deliveries and reported shortages.

The obligation applies to responsible entities, pharmaceutical wholesalers, pharmacies, etc.This obligation refers also to those entities where the turnover of medicinal and similar products is only part of the product range.

  • Act of September 6, 2001 Pharmaceutical Law on reporting data to the Integrated Monitoring System for Medicinal Product Trade (Journal of Laws 2019.499, consolidated text)
  • 2.Act of July 20, 2018 on amending the Law on the information system in health care and some other laws (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1515)
  • automatic generation of messages in SAP based on current transaction data.
  • automatic sending of data in XML format to the ZSMOPL central system, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health
  • tables with master data containing the necessary dictionary data, supplementing the SAP data with data relevant to ZSMOPL,
  • configuration that enables the identification of business processes (e.g. in the SAP MM module) and the appropriate organizational structure of the reporting entity,
  • a mechanism for obtaining transactions relevant to ZSMOPL in the SAP system for the report, based on appropriate validations,
  • preparation – depending on the data source indicated by the client (SAP/Excel), generation and verification of messages,
  • e-sending of messages to the central system of the Ministry of Health (returns and stocks message, shortage notification message and delivery planning message),
  • Verification of the statuses of individual messages and handling of possible errors.

The All for One SAP and ZSMOPL integration solution has already been chosen by over 15 of our clients. Contact us and find out more.

All for One ZSMOPL - solution architecture

Read more in whitepaper

All for One integration of SAP and ZSMOPL and ZSMOPL TRANSFER package as a response to the obligation of reporting medicinal products

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