All for One Dynamic MRP Reporter enables quick and comprehensive generation of stock and demand reports for flexibly defined groups as well as for particular, freely selected material indexes. The solution is an extension of the MM/PP module (materials management and production planning) in the SAP system.
The program presents the current result of processed data and MRP resultsin a tabular form. The user can see on what day/week/month there are receipts, planned receipts, releases and how the inventory balance for such a period looks like.
In addition to the selection screen used to limit the data, we also have options to select the type of data display and the report launch mode (daily, weekly, monthly results or a detailed list).
If the program finds MRP objects (requests, receipts, etc.) before the entered date range, it will aggregate them into the “Past" field. Therefore, it easy to filter out heavily outstanding MRP elements and list them in one column without disturbing the rest of the list in future periods.
A double-click on a line takes you to a standard SAP MD04 transaction, where you can verify the details in a standard report form. If the user selects the “Detailed mode" option, the system will allow you to export and e.g. save to an excel file the entire content of the MD04 – Stocks/Demands list with all the details for the selected pool of indexes. This feature makes it easy to create your own personalized reports using e.g. macros
The main benefit of implementing the report is time saving – the system performs the whole analysis, classifying particular elements of MRP to the appropriate category of demands, receipts and inventory status. In addition, we eliminate the probability of an error, which frequently occurs in manual preparation of summary reports. It is a combination of detailed data, dynamically built time grid and the possibility of quick aggregated analysis for a selected pool of materials. It is addressed to both the production planner and the person managing the purchase of materials.
The program is based on the concept of dynamic programming which is used to generate dynamic data and tables, depending on the selected range of dates, type of aggregation and maximum number of presented ranges.
The report is dedicated to companies that use SAP ERP/ECC or SAP S/4HANA system and MRP planning. The solution is an out of the box product.