All for One Poland offers an original solution SNP BHP which is an extension to the standard functionality of the SAP HR or SAP SuccessFactors systems for accidents at work. The application allows for an easy and clear registration of accidents at work, on the way to and from work, equated with accidents at work, potential accidents and accidents of contractors. The functionality allows also to administer accident-related documentation in the company.
All information on a given accident is available from a single screen. It is possible to print relevant documents related to accidents such as: reports with explanations provided by witnesses and the injured person, reports on the causes and circumstance of accidents, SKW, N9, ZUS WP documents, post-accident recommendations, cover letters to the social security (ZUS), notifications to the prosecutor and the National Labour Inspectorate, findings for the certifying physician and medical opinions. Where necessary, the printouts have the format required by the provisions of Polish law.
The tool allows to version documents, create any number of notes and attach graphic files (pictures, scanned documents). Every file (text or graphic) can be commented upon by the user without any limitation as to the length of the comment. After saving, files can be exported to the user’s local disk. The application offers a clear and user-friendly way to manage accident-related documentation.
The Work&Safety Service for accidents at work (SNP BHP) is available as an extension to the standard SAP HR system version 4.6 and higher and SuccessFactors. There is a possibility to configure the screens, number of infotypes and their numbers in the system, printouts, numbering method, reports, displayed information, and access rights. The tool can be easily extended to handle other areas related to work and safety such as occupational risk assessment or the management of protective clothing.
We have developed this application for companies using the SAP HR system for which the work and safety area is of particular importance – such as for example large manufacturing companies or retail networks. Handling these processes in the SP HR system – the company’s main payroll system – allows to keep all accident-related documentation in the same way as the HR documentation and makes flexible reporting with SAP tools possible. We are drawing here on a number of advantages of an integrated SAP system: data safety, access rights management and advanced reporting features.