BCC has prepared and offers an integrating platform, enabling quick activation of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between business partners. Advantages of the solution include reduction of costs of co-operation with trade chains.
Zakłady Chemiczne Zachem (Zachem Chemical Plant) in Bydgoszcz finalised a project of upgrading the used SAP system to the newest version, 4.6c. The project was carried out by IT Department and other Zachem Departments, managed by Robert Kalinowski, in-co-operation with a team of BCC consultants.
Mr. Robert Kalinowski said: "The co-operation between our team and BCC consultants was simply perfect – just as during the SAP implementation process, managed by BCC. Apart from efficient realisation of IT projects, the co-operation with BCC provided us with broad knowledge on the SAP solutions. The competencies gained by our employees during the implementation process allowed them to carry out much of the works by themselves, and not only the works related to the upgrade. That significantly reduces the costs of operation and development of the system".
Zachem uses SAP solutions since January 2000, in the scope of finances and controlling, treasury management, materials management, sales and distribution.