E-Time, integrated with SAP HR and SAP SuccessFactors web application, allows managers to plan the time of their employees, taking into account their availability and preferences, in accordance with legal and corporate regulations. With E-Time managers receive a new, comfortable tool for working time planning and calculation integrated with other SAP areas (payroll, leave plan etc.) in real time. Thanks to automation, E-Time allows to shorten the preparation of team work schedules even to a few minutes.

E-Time certificate
We are pleased to announce that our E-Time solution received in December 2018 as a first of this kind the SAP-Qualified Partner-Packaged Solution for SAP® SuccessFactors® certificate. Certification confirms that SNP E-Time solutions are based on best practices and innovations in human capital management.
We are pleased to announce that our E-Time solution received in December 2018 as a first of this kind the SAP-Qualified Partner-Packaged Solution for SAP® SuccessFactors® certificate. Certification confirms that SNP E-Time solutions are based on best practices and innovations in human capital management.