INEA, the largest alternative provider of telecommunications services in Wielkopolska province, has started a comprehensive implementation of SAP solutions. The project, carried out by BCC, is planned for several months and will cover a broad scope of SAP ERP, SAP CRM and SAP BC, as well as innovative mobile applications on SAP Sybase platform.
A comprehensive support of INEA operations in all key areas is the goal of the project – from investments in optical fiber network to settlements and interactions with the Customers.
The scope of the SAP ERP project comprises among others project management, investment management, network maintenance management and plant maintenance. The FI-CA module (FI – Contract Accounting) will facilitate the registration and processing of settlements with over 150000 customers using different services and types of tariff plans.
The SAP CRM system will optimize the management of client relations in the area of sales, service and marketing. The SAP CRM Customer Interaction Center will make it possible to integrate different channels of communication with the recipients. Additionally, INEA will avail of SAP BCM contact center solution (SAP Business Communications Management) that will connect telecommunications infrastructure with business data in SAP CRM. Specialists from Finnsoft will participate in the implementation of SAP BCM as BCC’s subcontractors.
SAP CRM and SAP ERP solutions will be integrated with other important department-specific applications in use at INEA, including a self service system for customers, functioning as e-customer services, a billing application, as well as a provisioning system that manages the availability of services for a given customer equipment.
BCC will also prepare mobile applications for INEA, which are dedicated for salespersons and service technicians, based on SAP Sybase Unwired Platform and integrated with SAP CRM and SAP ERP. INEA field staff will have constant access to their essential system functionalities as they will be able to remotely enter the collected data and register the results of their work.
In addition to the functional scope, the number of objects that will be migrated from the existing IT systems to SAP systems proves for a huge scale of the project. The migration of data will comprise over 3 million of objects such as customer data, product data, contact and activity history.
The entire project is planned for 18 months. SAP solutions will get launched in stages. First users will start to avail of SAP in January 2013. In the last stage, in October 2013, SAP HR and SAP CRM Marketing will be launched.
INEA S.A. is the largest alternative telecommunications operator in Wielkopolska province providing advanced telecommunications services based on optical fiber network, including NGN network (New Generation Network) and broadband wireless network in WiMAX technology. Currently, over 150000 thousand households and companies use the services of INEA. More information: