BCC has prepared and offers an integrating platform, enabling quick activation of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between business partners. Advantages of the solution include reduction of costs of co-operation with trade chains...
Activation of EDI with suppliers or clients improves the process of communication between business partners, shortens the time spent on waiting for data and reduces the number of errors arising from manual feed of data (for example from faxes, printouts) into the system. It also facilitates implementation of new business processes, that cannot be operated in the traditional model of data flow due to its inadequate efficiency.
So far, the majority of companies in Poland – even the users of ERP systems – have not become involved in EDI projects, dreading the complexity and expensiveness of implementation. BCC provides an EDI platform, that enables quick and easy activation of EDI in a company of any size.
BCC EDI integrating platform constitutes a set of organisational solutions (like methodology of implementation, sets of tools, models and examples) and IT solutions (like a chart translating the system messages into EDIFACT and XML formats, for the most popular business communicates (order, order confirmation, invoice). The data may be transmitted via traditional VAN networks or directly on the Internet (e-mail or HTTP/SOAP). Special tools for tasks planning and estimation of the implementation time facilitate development of time schedules and budgets for the EDI activation projects.
Due to the fact that BCC EDI integration platform offers ready solutions, the time needed for implementation and activation of EDI projects may be significantly reduced. The companies may start interchanging electronic data with their business partners just after a few days since the beginning of the implementation process.
BCC EDI integrating platform may also operate in a fully outsourcing environment – the administration is then handled by BCC specialists and the interchange server is located in BCC server room. Such model gives 100% of accessibility and a clear vision of costs as well as an opportunity to spread the costs in time.
Elite Cafe, coffee producer, is one of the first companies using BCC EDI integrating platform. The SAP system used by Elite has been integrated with the system of its key client – Makro Cash & Carry chain.