SAP Leonardo is a group of tools created by SAP in order to fulfill market’s requirements for Big Data, Internet of Things, BlockChain and Machine Learning solutions. SAP Leonardo enables real-time analysis of streamline data.
Apart from delivery of cloud infrastructure based on SAP HANA (possible to host in SAP Data Center, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure), SAP prepared library of predefined apps based on machine learning. It is also possible to create some personal applications in Eclipse environment.
The examples of predefined apps are: SAP Cash Application, SAP Service Ticket Intelligence, SAP Brand Impact, SAP Customer Retention, SAP Resume Matching, SAP Predictive Analytics for Contract Consumption, SAP Predictive Analytics for Stock in Transit.
SAP Leonardo does not only consist of predefined apps – it is mostly focused on developers and providing them special technologies and libraries (based on Java, HTML5, SAP API, SDK for iOS). Additionally, SAP created their own market place called SAP App Center which works similar to Apple Store / Google Play. Customers are able to buy and download ready apps created by SAP’s partners (SAP Qualified Partner-Packaged Solutions).
SAP Leonardo is recommended for all companies that require the analysis of big data within custom built applications.